Why You Should Include Drone Videos in Your Company’s Marketing Strategy


Why You Should Include Drone Videos in Your Company’s Marketing Strategy

Drone videos are everywhere these days. You see drone video footage used in the movies, at sporting events, and throughout televised concerts. You may have even spotted one of your neighbors flying a drone around the yard and shooting home movies.

But have you ever considered using drone videos as a marketing strategy for your business?

If not, you should. That’s because using drone video for your business has many benefits, and it’s more accessible than you think.

Let’s take a look at the top ten reasons to add drone videos to your company’s marketing strategy.

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The Top 10 Benefits of Drone Videos for Your Business

Drone videos can be quite impressive, and they have many applications in digital marketing. Here are the top ten benefits of drone videos for businesses.

#1: Creating Spectacular Content

Drone videos can capture amazing shots that aren’t possible through traditional means. In the past, aerial shots were mostly done with helicopters. Not only was this cost-prohibitive for most people, but it could also be quite disruptive to the scene with extreme winds from the helicopter’s blades.

But drones capture high-quality aerial shots smoothly and efficiently. They can get extremely close to what they’re shooting and even fly indoors. You can’t do that with a helicopter!

Think about amazing drone shots you may have seen of the mouth of a volcano, the plummeting droplets of a waterfall, or even a peek into a bird’s nest. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. (Oh, and they can shoot icebergs, too.)

#2: Capturing Impressive, High-Quality Footage

Drones allow you to get unique footage that’s just not possible on the ground. And the advancement of drone video technology means images captured that way are incredibly high-quality due to their high frame rates and HD or UHD resolution.

These top-notch, crisp videos are sure to impress potential customers and have them giving you a second look.

Although it’s possible to purchase a drone and try to shoot some videos yourself, you don’t want to take away from this advantage by producing sloppily-done media. The folks at Houston Drone Video are experts at producing drone videos and will be able to provide you with something spectacular for a fair price.

#3: Attracting Attention to Your Business

Using video is a great way to boost your business, but drones take it to the next level. 

The high-quality, unique videos drones provide will make people sit up and take notice, and that means your business will stand out over others. 

Drone videos are special in that they allow you to highlight aspects of your business in a new way that traditional media can’t.

Some businesses that have had great success using drone videos are:

  • Real estate companies that want to show sweeping aerial views of their properties
  • Building inspectors, especially those who need to inspect tall or hard-to-access spaces and want to show the inspections to customers without having to physically take them through the property
  • Architecture firms and construction companies that use drone footage to produce 3D renderings
  • Tourism industry businesses that use drone videos to show potential customers a complete aerial tour of their properties such as resorts, hotels, and golf courses
  • And many more

#4: Soaring Above Your Competition

We’ve already said people will be impressed by your company’s drone videos and that the high-quality footage they produce will help you stand out. Naturally, this should lead to you rising above your competition and increasing sales.

We just discussed the use of drone videos in real estate. MLS statistics have shown properties featuring aerial photography and videos typically sell 68% faster than those with just standard photos. That’s a huge advantage!

Let Houston Video help you explore the ways your business can increase sales through the use of drone videos.

#5: Improving SEO

You’ve probably heard SEO is important for your business. But you may not have known that drone videos can help improve your search engine optimization.

So how does it work?

Videos created with a drone can be tagged with relevant keywords and geotagging for the specific location where it was created. This will improve your website’s search engine rankings and should eventually result in more leads and sales.

#6: Expanding Your Marketing Strategy

As a business owner, whether it be large or small, you know that digital marketing is a critical part of your outreach plan. Drone videos take this to the next level — literally.

With drone videos, companies can step into the 21st century and take advantage of modern marketing techniques. Videos aren’t just an “add-on” to a marketing strategy, they should be an integral part.

Drone videos can be used in many ways, including on:

  • Websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Online ads
  • TV campaigns
  • And more

Drone videos let potential customers explore your business from their mobile devices, which is where people spend most of their free time these days. Take advantage of this and capture that audience.

#7: Saving Time and Money

Creating aerial videos used to be insanely expensive. You’d have to hire a helicopter and pilot, video crew, and production team just for a start.

These days drone technology means aerial videos are accessible to pretty much anyone. Not only are drones much more affordable than helicopters, but the time investment is also greatly decreased because drones can zip around and quickly get in and out of desired shot areas.

If you think drone videos are too expensive for your business, you may be surprised. Contact our team to talk about your options.

#8: Ease of Accessibility

Anyone can buy a drone and start shooting videos with it in a relatively short time. But there’s a learning curve with these things. If you want drone videos for your business to look professional, you should probably start by hiring a professional.

The highest-quality drones are on the pricey side, so it’s better to avoid that initial outlay and instead put the money toward letting someone else — like Houston Drone Video — produce a stellar video that will make your business shine.

#9: Limited Interference

Have you ever seen an older TV show or movie with an aerial shot where the poor grass was being beaten down by the helicopter that was obviously flying overhead to get the footage?

Those issues are now a thing of the past. With drones, you can get footage without disturbing the environment and can remain inconspicuous throughout the filming process.

And besides being able to easily slip in and out of any area, drones make very little noise — so you won’t disturb surrounding homes, businesses, etc. while shooting with them.

#10: Versatility and Wide-Ranging Applications

Since drones are so small, they can give us cool camera angles that just aren’t possible with manned aircraft. These small but mighty machines can fly inches off the ground to hundreds of feet in the air — and anywhere in between.

Other unique things drones can do include:

  • Flying around a room or building
  • Flying in and out of windows
  • Hovering in place
  • Getting close to wildlife or people without disturbing them
  • And more

With drones, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. 

Houston Drone Video Produces Award-Winning Videos Using Modern Tools Like Drones

At Houston Drone Video, we specialize in …

  • Affordable
  • Effective; and
  • Creative

… videos for corporate and business marketing campaigns. We are excited to focus on drone video technology because there’s so much they allow us to do that will build your business.

If you’ve ever thought about using drone videos to promote your company but weren’t sure how to get started, we can help.

And if you hadn’t thought about it before, we hope this list of the top 10 drone benefits for your business has you convinced that it’s something you need to try.

Contact us today and set up a free consultation.



Additional Reading

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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002