Why It’s Better To Hire a Local Drone Videographer


Why It’s Better To Hire a Local Drone Videographer

Soaring views. Death-defying angles. Sweeping landscapes.

Have you been impressed by drone videos you’ve seen used by other businesses? They probably left you feeling like your outreach plan could use some major improvement. 

Perhaps you’ve even considered hiring a drone videographer to get things going. But where’s the best place to find a great one?

You should probably start by looking in your own backyard. Get ready for the ten biggest benefits of hiring local drone videographers for your company’s marketing.

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10 Benefits of Hiring a Local Drone Videographer

There are many benefits of using drone videos for your business, including:

  • Creating amazing content
  • Capturing high-quality footage
  • Boosting SEO
  • Expanding your marketing strategy
  • And more

But what, specifically, are the benefits of hiring local drone videographers? Is there an edge to seeking out an expert in your area rather than just searching online and contacting the first name you see?

We believe there is. Let’s explore the ten greatest advantages you’ll have when you hire a Houston drone videographer.

#1: Cost Effective

If you hire a drone videographer from outside your city, you’ll have to pay for their travel costs to get them where you are — either directly or by having it worked into their pricing. This can really add up, especially if they’re coming from an area that’s far away!

Hiring a local drone videographer can help keep your costs lower. Instead of paying to put up the person you’ve hired in a swanky hotel or for lavish meals they have while they’re traveling on your dime, you’ll be getting what you pay for — the services of your drone videographer.

#2: Well-Acquainted With the Area

If you hire someone who knows your area well, you have a real advantage when requesting specific footage from around town. Do you need shots from the Port of Galveston? We’ve done them before and know exactly how to set everything up.

Looking for scenic footage of the Houston skyline to use in your marketing? We have inside information on all the best views to give you spectacular videos.

No matter what area of our city you’d like us to shoot, Houston Drone Video knows the right approach. Because we’re local, we know where and how to get what you need.

#3: Use of Repeat Footage

Say you hire a drone videographer to get footage for a video you’ll be featuring on social media. The campaign turns into a huge success, so you decide you’d like to build on it and use some of that footage again to expand into other areas.

If you used a local drone videographer for your original media production, it will be easy to access and use that repeat footage while combining it with new shots from around town. The whole process will be faster and simpler.

If you hired someone from a different city or state, they may be able to recreate a video with your original footage, but adding new content will mean getting on their schedule and arranging travel plans. It’s going to take a lot longer this way.

If you plan to repeat the use of drone videography in your business — and you should — then local is the way to go.

#4: Ease of Scheduling

It’s much easier to work with and schedule out shooting with a local drone videographer. 

If you’re a new client and want to get on our schedule quickly, we may have a break when we can fit you in as soon as possible. If you hire a videographer from New York or Los Angeles, who knows when they’ll be able to block off travel days to come work on your project?

Plus, let’s say we’ve already shot your footage — but you wake up in the middle of the night with a fabulous new idea you want to add to it. No problem! We should easily be able to work it in between other jobs.

If you’ve hired someone from out of town and want to add to your video after they’ve already left, they may be reluctant to come back. And even if they agree, it’s going to add a lot of time (and money) to the process.

#5: Knows Local Drone Regulations

At Houston Video, we are licensed by the FAA to fly drones and are familiar with all Texas drone regulations

A drone videographer from out of state may not be aware of the laws governing drone use in Texas. Imagine the disappointment you would feel if you were promised a specific spectacular shot from a non-local company and then find out that drone usage is banned in the area they needed to film.

A local drone videographer will know all the resources, tips, and tricks needed to shoot in the Houston area. You can’t beat local experience in these situations.

#6: Boosts Local Economy

In this current era of high inflation and labor shortages, small businesses are hurting. When you choose to hire a drone videographer near you, you’re boosting the local economy.

Since local businesses are owned by people who …

  • Live in the community
  • Are invested in its future; and
  • Are likely to stay around

… we can benefit by patronizing one another’s companies and working together to make our economy stronger.

#7: Networking Possibilities

When you hire local, you contribute to building a network of area vendors. 

Say you’re a builder who brings in a videographer to get shots of your finished projects. When that videographer works with another client, such as a realtor, who needs a recommendation for a reputable contractor, you’ll be the first person that comes to mind.

This will also allow you to recommend the local drone videographer to area businesses that need to boost their marketing.

#8: Screening Videographers Is Easier

When you look at videographers from across the country to possibly do the job, there are many unknowns. It can be difficult to vet candidates and know what you’re getting.

If you decide to hire a local drone videographer, you may find out you know someone who has used their services in the past. This makes it easier for you to get another perspective on why they are the best candidate for the job.

#9: Building Relationships

When you build a relationship with a local business, you increase the chance of them getting repeat jobs from you. A great local drone videographer will want to do the best work possible so you’ll hire them again and again.

Having a relationship with your drone videographer means more communication, which will lead to you getting exactly what you want.

#10: Better Accountability

A local drone videographer will do excellent work for you every time. Why? Well, one big reason is that if they don’t, other local businesses are more likely to hear about it.

Your videographer should feel like a partner who is just as invested in your marketing plan as you are.

Get All the Benefits of a Local Drone Videographer With Houston Drone Video

When you hire Houston Drone Video to produce content for your business, you’ll get all the benefits of hiring a local drone videographer.

With our extensive knowledge of the area and its drone regulations, we don’t have any of the learning curves you’d get with someone from another part of the country. Plus, you’re boosting the local economy when you hire us.

But the biggest reason to bring on Houston Drone Video for your job is that we’re the best. Period.

We are an award-winning production company that will create videos designed to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Contact us today and let’s talk.



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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002