Drone Video Production for Roofing Companies


Drone Video Production for Roofing Companies

Is your roofing company in need of a new marketing campaign? Are you looking for an employee training video to send to new employees? 

Drone video production for roofing companies is on the rise, and it’s being used for more than marketing. 

Learn why roofing companies are using drone video footage, what is behind the process, and how we can create high-quality drone video production for your roofing company.

Table of Contents

Use Cases of Drone Video for Roofing Companies

Since 2016, the use of drone video footage for roofing companies has been on the rise. When the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) introduced the Part 107 licensing program, roofing companies found many ways to include drone video production in their work.

You might be surprised to learn that drone video footage is not only used for marketing when it comes to roofing.

  • Aerial imaging – Estimators, inspectors, and contractors can view roofs from the ground.
  • Save on costs – Flying one (or two) drones cuts back on the personnel needed to perform inspections and estimates.
  • Increased safety – Roofing personnel are safe on the ground as often as possible when working in one of the most fatal occupations.
  • Marketing and brand awareness – Drones capture footage of projects and aerial views that can be used for marketing purposes.

We Match Your Brand’s Goals With Our Video Production Process for Roofing Companies

Every roofing company has its own vision and brand, and at Houston Drone Video, we produce a unique video specific to your marketing campaign. We believe it’s important to help your company stand out, so we work to match your brand’s goals as best as we can.

What’s Your Goal?

Maybe you’re producing an employee training video. You might be interested in creating marketing material. Maybe you’re hoping to capture footage of a corporate event for later use. 

Houston Drone Video knows how to capture the right aerial views for your production. Our licensed and trained drone experts can make your roofing projects stand out from other roofing companies, always keeping your company’s brand and goals in mind.

No matter what you’re after when it comes to drone video production for your roofing company, Houston Drone Video can help.

Pre-Production Planning

Before we begin filming, we plan. Our pre-production planning process starts by gathering an understanding of your business — goals, brand, intended audience, and voice — before we create our approach for filming. 

Once we learn what it is that you’re after, we can strategically plan scripts and footage before the drone begins to fly.

Day of Filming

Filming could take place in one day or over a few days, depending on what it is that we’re shooting. We’ll take care to plan filming dates as best we can, taking weather, time of day, and schedules into consideration.

We also ensure that all legal requirements are met and the right permissions are obtained before we begin filming.

Post-Production Editing

Our goal is to produce an award-winning video that gets you the attention and results you’re looking for. 

With our raw footage, we work diligently to edit and produce a quality video you can use for your company. Whether it be for a marketing campaign, corporate event, or employee training video, Houston Drone Video has got you covered.

Houston Drone Video Offers Raw Footage and/or Finished Videos for Roofing Companies Based on Your Needs

We understand that drone video production for roofing companies isn’t only used for marketing purposes. We also offer both raw drone footage and fully produced videos, depending on what you need. 

Maybe raw footage is used by roofing companies for contractors to review work. We can do that for you.

Or maybe you need a fully produced advertisement to be used for television. We can do that, too!

Whatever it might be that you can dream up, we can create it for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Houston Drone Video Is Fully Licensed by the FAA

To legally fly a drone, you must obtain a license from the Federal Aviation Administration to recognize that you understand the regulations, requirements, safety, and procedures of operating a drone.

Without this license, you can face fines nearing $33,000 per incident and per day that you operate a drone illegally. Not only that, but criminal sanctions by the FAA include up to $250,000 in fines and a prison sentence of up to three years. Doesn’t seem worth it to us.

That’s why at Houston Drone Video, we’ve taken the time to acquire this special license, so we can legally produce high-quality drone videos for you.

FAQs About Drone Video Production for Roofing Companies

Why Should I Choose Houston Drone Video for My Roofing Company’s Video?

There’s a reason we are an award-winning video production company in Houston.

Not only do we specialize in affordable, effective, and creative videos, but we are sure to individualize every drone video we produce for your brand. At Houston Drone Video, we want to support your company by creating a marketing campaign that will increase your traffic and grab the attention of the audience you’re after.

If employee training videos are your goal, we create those, too.

No matter what it is that you need, we can produce a high-quality, high-performing video for you.

How Much Will a Drone Video for a Roofing Company Cost?

It’s difficult to say what drone video production for roofing companies might cost because a variety of factors come into play when we determine the price.

When you schedule a free consultation, we take the time to discuss your vision and end goal before reviewing what we believe it will take to help get you there. With this information, we will create a quote for you before moving forward with any work.

How Long Does It Take to Complete Drone Video Production for Roofing Companies?

From the time of your consultation to scheduling, planning, filming, editing, and delivering your final video, it can take several weeks. Drone video production for roofing companies isn’t cookie-cutter, so we take our time with each video we create.

To help determine a realistic and close-to-accurate timeline, our team plans an exploratory call with your roofing company. Once we know what it is you’re looking for from our video production, we can factor in our planning, shooting, and editing to give you a better idea of a timeline.



Additional Reading

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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002