Drone Video Production for Wedding Venues


Drone Video Production for Wedding Venues

Your wedding venue offers something special. Something unique. Something every couple wants.

But how do you showcase all that your venue offers through photos alone?

You don’t.

With drone video production for wedding venues, you can finally give your venue the attention it deserves.

Let us walk you through the various ways drone video can establish you as a wedding industry leader.  

Table of Contents

Use Cases of Drone Video for Wedding Venues

Drone use is taking off in the wedding industry. Whether it’s for wedding venues or the wedding itself, everyone loves the sweeping overhead video drones offer.

With drone video production for wedding venues, couples can visualize their entire day, from the ceremony to the best spots for photography and, of course, the reception area.

More specifically, drones can capture:

  • Large outdoor areas — do you offer rolling hills, orchards, vineyards, or lush gardens? Aerial photography is perfect for flaunting the best features of your venue.
  • Unique design features — if your venue is known for dramatic design features, such as tailored rock gardens, impactful water features, or stunning architecture, drone video will highlight these features from a unique perspective.
  • Destination venues — is your venue offering white sand beaches, the bright lights of Vegas, or historical buildings? Drones offer the opportunity to exhibit these striking features from above.

We Match Your Brand’s Goals With Our Video Production Process for Wedding Venues

Houston Drone Video works with wedding venues to create videos that will maximize your marketing efforts and showcase what you have to offer potential couples.

What’s Your Goal?

Whether you’re producing promotional material, a corporate introduction video, or training for your wedding venue staff, Houston Drone Video works with you to achieve your goals.

Our expertise and equipment will capture the most dazzling aerial view and then use these shots to produce incredible videos that will impress your target audience. With your brand in mind, we help you soar above your competition with video footage that appeals to the right people.

Our team specializes in improving your search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing outreach by producing enticing videos that get more internet views and drive more traffic to your site.

Whatever your goals are, Houston Drone Video is equipped to help you achieve them.

Pre-Production Planning

We start the process by understanding your venue’s and intended audience’s needs. From there, we take a strategic approach to the video design process by getting the drone footage that will convey your venue’s image.

Our scripts are produced with your target market in mind. We’ll match the intention of your brand and venue and script a romantic and enticing message that your viewers will fall in love with.

The entire production process is focused on your goals and implementing strategies that align with your theme.  

Day of Filming

We consider every potential factor when scheduling a time for filming, including the time of day, the likelihood of poor weather, and the season. Rainchecks are arranged in advance to ensure optimal conditions for drone video filming.

We are licensed drone operators and understand how important it is that all legal requirements are met, and permits are obtained in advance — we’ll make sure you have everything you need for the day of filming.

Filming may be completed in a day, or it may take several days, depending on your location and your vision for your final product.

Post-Production Editing

Once we have the raw footage we need to produce a top-quality video, we begin applying our marketing expertise to the entire editing process.

We’ll create a stunning, results-focused final product that you’re sure to love and we’ll also monitor performance analytics for every video you use in an online marketing campaign. 

We’re not just “a company with a drone”. At Houston Drone Video we know what it takes to produce award-winning videos that will drive potential clients to your site and get the results you’re looking for.

Houston Drone Video Offers Raw Footage and/or Finished Videos for Wedding Venues Based on Your Needs

Not all wedding venue drone footage is used to market your venue to potential clients. You may be considering a property renovation, or you may need a full layout of your property for real estate evaluation or investors.

Are you looking to produce a full-blown TV commercial using aerial video? We can do that too.

The only limit to our services is your imagination. Whatever you can think up, and for whatever purpose, Houston Drone Video can partner with you to make it happen.

Schedule your consultation, share your ideas and goals, and let us take care of the rest.

Houston Drone Video Is Fully Licensed by the FAA

Why does this matter?

Firstly, flying a drone for commercial purposes requires a special license from the FAA.

If you fly a drone without this license, you may be subjected to fines of up to $32,666 per incident per day for continual illegal use.

In addition, you can be charged criminally by the FAA and face fines of up to $250,000 and up to three years in prison.

It’s simply not worth it.

Houston Drone Video is fully licensed, insured, and in full compliance with the law at all times.

FAQs About Drone Video Production for Wedding Venues

Why Should I Choose Houston Drone Video for My Wedding Venue Video?

We are a by-the-book company that does way more than take raw drone footage. Our drone video expertise expands beyond the camera and into marketing success for your wedding venue.

We create award-winning videos that produce results. Period.

We’re results-oriented, passionate drone videographers with a unique talent for delivering your authentic message and staying aligned with your brand goals.

We produce high-performing promos, explainers, overviews, and training videos that support your website, PPC, social, and SEO marketing campaigns.

How Much Will a Drone Video for a Wedding Venue Cost?

The cost of drone video production for wedding venues varies based on multiple factors.

We deliver a customized experience based entirely on your end goal. When you schedule your free consultation, we’ll gather all the information needed to provide an all-encompassing quote based on your objectives.

How Long Does It Take to Complete Drone Video Production for Wedding Venues?

From the early planning stages to the delivery of your finished product, a full drone video production for your wedding venue can take several weeks.

During our exploratory call, we’ll collect all the details we need to structure a realistic timeline. We factor in everything needed from pre to post-production before we set any expectations. 

Give us a call! We look forward to hearing from you.



Additional Reading

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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002