Drone Video Services for Landscapers

drone services for landscape companies

Drone Video Services for Landscapers

Are you interested in trying drone video production for your landscaping business? 

You’ve heard about other landscapers who started using drone videos, and their business exploded! 

Now, you wonder if using drone video could get you the full calendar of new clients you need to take your business to the next level.

It’s time to investigate for yourself.

In this article, you will learn more about the value of drone video production and whether it is the next step you need to take for your landscaping business. 

Table of Contents

Use Cases of Drone Video Service for Landscapers

With its potential to enhance social media presence and SEO, drone video is a game-changer for business growth and visibility.

There are several ways drone video footage can be used to show off a landscaper’s abilities, including: 

  • Before-and-after shots of a landscaping project, which can be effective for showing the results of landscaping projects like installing a new patio or building a retaining wall.
  • Social Media Marketing Gold: Drone footage of interesting projects in-progress and after completion frequently are more shareable than typical corporate videos or photos.
  • Virtual tours of properties, which can be helpful for potential customers who want to see what a property looks like before they commit to hiring a landscaper.

Whatever your reason, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind before you start shooting drone videos.

Enhance your marketing efforts and also drive drives growth by making your business stand out in a crowded market.

We Match Your Brand’s Goals With Our Video Production Process for Landscapers

Drone video production for landscapers can be a great way to show off your work and attract new clients. 

But how do you make sure that the video production process matches your brand’s goals?

At Houston Drone Video, we specialize in drone video production for landscapers

We understand that every brand is different, and we make it our mission to match your goals with our video production process.

What’s Your Goal?

Before you lift off, ask yourself what you hope to achieve with your drone video production. 

Do you want to show off a particular property or project that you’ve completed? 

Do you want to give potential customers a bird’s-eye view of what their property could look like after working with you? 

Or do you simply want to create some beautiful aerial footage that showcases your landscaping skills?

Once you know what your goal is, the rest will be much easier. 

Pre-Production Planning

Pre-production planning is key to any successful drone video production, and that’s especially true for landscape videography. 

You’ll need to be extra careful about things like choosing the right time of day and location, getting the right permissions, and having a backup plan in case of bad weather.

To help you get started, we’ve put together the following quick pre-production checklist for drone video productions for landscapers:

  • Choose the right time of day. The light and shadows can make or break a landscape shot, so it’s important to choose the right time of day for your shoot. For most landscapes, early morning or late afternoon/early evening will give you the best light.
  • Choose the right location. Finding the right location is just as important as lighting. You’ll want to find a spot with interesting features that will look good on camera. Remember that you can always edit out unwanted elements in post-production, but it’s much harder to add in something that isn’t there to begin with.
  • Get the necessary permissions. If you’re planning to shoot on private property, make sure you have the owner’s permission before taking off. For public land, research any special regulations that might apply to drones, such as FAA licensing. The last thing you want is to get in trouble with authorities.
  • Have a backup plan. No matter how well you plan, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong on shoot day. Make sure you have a backup plan in case of bad weather or other unforeseen problems.

Day of Filming

If you decide to do your own drone filming, you may quickly learn that it is not as easy as it looks. 

A day of filming would involve:

  1. Setting up the equipment
  2. Making sure the batteries are charged; and
  3. Dealing with any unforeseen technical issues 

Then, once everything is finally up and running, you must capture the shots you need while also avoiding obstacles like trees and power lines. 

At the end of a day of filming, you hope and pray the footage turns out to be what you needed.

However, hiring Houston Drone Video services can take all of the stress out of drone filming for you.

On the day of filming, we will arrive early in the morning to:

  1. Set up our state-of-the-art equipment
  2. Do a test flight to make sure everything is working properly; and
  3. Get aerial shots of your landscaping work and the property as a whole

Our drones allow us to capture never before seen footage of your landscaping business in action. We can also film footage of you and your employees working.

At Houston Drone Video, we work quickly and efficiently to get great shots while staying out of your way.

Post-Production Editing

To create a stunning video for your business, you will need to put in some time and effort in the post-production editing process.

This is where we take all of the footage we’ve collected and put it together into a cohesive, engaging story. 

Our team of editors is experienced with only the best video editing software programs and we will work diligently to create a finished product that you’ll be proud to share with your customers. 

We understand that time is important to landscapers, so we promise to turn around your project promptly and allow you to get back to business as usual.

Houston Drone Service Includes Raw Footage and/or Finished Videos for Landscapers Based on Your Needs

Houston Drone Video offers raw footage and/or finished drone video production services for landscapers in the area. 

Whether you need raw drone footage for your landscaping business or fully produced videos, we can help. Just need raw footage for your in-house team? No problem. 

Need us to produce a full-blown TV commercial using drone footage? We can do that, too. 

We are a one-stop shop for all your drone video needs.

Houston Drone Video Is Fully Licensed by the FAA

You may have considered using drones to take aerial video of properties you are working on or to capture sweeping shots of pristine landscapes that could be used in marketing materials. 

Whatever your reason for wanting to use drones as part of your business, it’s important to know that licensing is recommended.

If you fly a drone without FAA licensing, you could be subject to hefty fines and even jail time. 

Houston Drone Video is fully licensed by the FAA. With our team of experienced pilots and videographers, you can rest assured that everything is being done legally and within regulations. 

We will work with you to get the footage you need while keeping everything completely safe and legal.

So if you’re ready to take your landscaping business to new heights with drone video production, contact us today. 

FAQs About Hiring a Drone Pilot for Landscapers

How Much Does Drone Video Services for Landscapers Cost?

There are many factors to consider when budgeting for drone video production for landscapers. 

Some key considerations to take into account when planning your project include:

  • Number of days of shooting
  • Number of hours per day
  • Travel costs; and
  • Video editing and post-production costs

To get an accurate estimate for your project, we recommend getting in touch with a professional drone video production company. 

They will be able to provide you with a tailor-made quote based on your specific needs and requirements.

How Long Does It Take to Complete Drone Video Service for Landscapers?

It’s difficult to estimate how long it will take to complete drone video production for landscapers since it depends on so many factors. 

The size of the property, the number of features, the time of day, and the weather all play a role in how long it will take to get the footage you need.

In general, though, you can expect the entire process to take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. 

If you’re working with a professional drone video production company, they will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

Why Should I Choose a Houston Drone Pilot for My Landscaping Company Video?

At Houston Drone Video, we specialize in producing high-quality videos that help our clients achieve their marketing goals.

Our video production process is specifically tailored to meet the needs of landscapers and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your vision comes to life. 

From the initial consultation to the final edit, we will create a drone video that you can be proud of.

If you are looking for a drone video production company that will put your brand first, then look no further. 

Contact us at Houston Drone Video today to learn more about our services and how we can help you reach your goals.



Additional Reading

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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002