How to Use Drone Footage in Corporate Videos: 9 Different Ways to Enhance Your Business Through Drone Videography


How to Use Drone Footage in Corporate Videos: 9 Different Ways to Enhance Your Business Through Drone Videography

You have a website. You have social media. You think your marketing team is doing all it can to sell your services. But somehow your business still hasn’t taken off like you thought it would.

Investing in drone videography could be the answer you’re searching for.

High-performance videography done right can easily enhance your business. Here’s what you need to know about how to use drone footage in corporate videos. 

Table of Contents

#1: Use Drone Footage to Present Products

Using drone footage to present products helps show them in a more “real-life” setting, rather than as a simple still photo or boring head-on video.

Drones allow for unique angles and can evoke a feeling in customers that will get them to click “add to cart.” After all, 64% of video viewers are likely to complete a purchase.

Picture this:

You’re searching for a tent to hold your family of six for an upcoming camping trip. Rather than simply looking at a picture of a large tent, a drone shows aerial footage of a happy family camping along a riverside. There’s a fire burning, Dad is fishing with the kids, and Mom is tossing a Frisbee to the dog. As the drone makes its way around the campsite, you see the family retreat to the tent for the night.

The drone footage has helped elicit a feeling that is more likely to get you to complete the tent purchase.

#2: Use Drone Footage to Show Off Buildings

Whether you’re shooting videos for your corporate job or showing a building or home for real estate purposes, drone footage allows people to come inside with you. 

The aerial views and unique angles allow viewers to:

  • Experience the building in a new way
  • View key features from a new or different perspective; and
  • Have a lasting impression of the building

Houston Drone Video specializes in shooting high-performing corporate videos that make you money. If you need to show off your building, contact Anthony today.

#3: Use Drone Footage to Capture Scenic Landscapes

Imagery can be an effective tool when it comes to selling products or attempting to get customers to make a purchase. 

Take advantage of scenic landscapes or sweeping views by using aerial footage captured with a drone. Things like …

  • Forests
  • Waterfalls
  • Gardens
  • Mountains
  • Beaches

… or any breathtaking scenery that might relate to your product can help you attract customers and close a sale.

#4: Use Drone Footage to Enhance Your Social Media

Social media is quickly becoming the way of the world. In January 2002, more than 4.5 billion people were reported to be using social media globally. That’s 400 million more users than in 2021.

Nearly every industry and business utilize at least one social media platform to grab the attention of consumers, push information, and ultimately make money. 

Do you want to catch the eye of the 4.5 billion social media users scrolling their feeds? Utilize the unique and attractive footage captured by drones to make your videos stand out from the rest of the videos saturating social media. 

Need some extra convincing? Consider these statistics:

  • In 2022, the average consumer watches 100 minutes of video per day.
  • Online videos make up more than 82% of consumer traffic.
  • 84% of consumers have been convinced to purchase a product or service from its video.
  • Video posts get 48% more views than photos.

Anthony and his team at Houston Drone Video are the go-to for corporate videos using drone footage. If you want your social media pages to stand out, contact Houston Drone Video today.

#5: Use Drone Footage to Create a Behind the Scenes Video

Simply talking and sharing information through text can only do so much when it comes to trying to sell a product or service. And consumers like to know what’s going on behind the closed doors of their favorite products. 

With drone footage, you can create a behind-the-scenes look into:

  • What your company’s culture is like
  • How products are produced; and
  • What goes into creating your product

This can be an effective way to showcase your product more physically rather than relying on photos or words.

#6: Use Drone Footage to Showcase How to Use Your Product

Research has found that 65% of the general population are visual learners. This means they need to see information to understand and retain it. Studies have also shown the brain can process videos 60,000 times faster than text.

With the detailed and intricate footage that can be captured by a drone, you can showcase exactly how to use your product in a way more than half of the population can easily understand.

And remember, nearly 64% of people who watch a video of a product are likely to complete their purchase.

#7: Use Drone Footage to Set the Stage

By setting the stage, you’re able to better connect with your audience by allowing them to understand the …

  • Scenery
  • Backstory; or
  • Setting

… of what you’re wanting to showcase.

For example:

Dani created a product that helps heal skin irritation. The number one way she markets her product is by showing how well it helps to clear her baby’s eczema. Before shooting the interview with Dani inside her home, we might first show aerial footage of the surrounding town, interior footage of her caring for her baby, or footage of her out with her family. This helps set the tone for the product we are about to discuss and gives insight into Dani, her company, and who they are.

#8: Use Drone Footage to Highlight Causes

Do you know that as a brand, consumers want you to be purpose-driven? What does that mean? With so many similar industries and businesses in the world today, consumers navigate towards the brands they connect with the most. 

With drone video footage, you can showcase your brand’s …

  • Purpose; and
  • Mission

… while building the trust of your consumers through a visual experience.

#9: Use Drone Footage to Create Site Page Banners

Do you know the banner that immediately catches your eye when a new web page loads? That’s a site page banner and it’s often the first thing people see when they open a new website — if it’s done well, that is.

Site page banners are the perfect spot for video content that shows off your …

  • Workspace
  • Skills
  • Team
  • Culture

… and anything else that will give your viewers something to help them connect with your company in a more personal way.

Don’t waste your site page banner with static photos or boring text. Contact Houston Drone Video today to learn how to use drone footage for a high-performing corporate video.

Houston Drone Video: Creative Corporate Videos To Help You Achieve Your Goals

Do you have big goals for your company? Utilizing drone footage the correct way can help get you there.

Whether you’re hoping to …

  • Set a specific scene
  • Teach consumers about your services
  • Showcase your company; or
  • Make big money

… Anthony at Houston Drone Video is your guy.

Houston Drone Video specializes in creating high-performing corporate videos that make clients money. We understand fancy videos are fun, but we care more about performance.

Contact Houston Drone Video today for a free consultation.



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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002