What Is Aerial Cinematography and How To Use It To Elevate Your Corporate Videos


What Is Aerial Cinematography and How To Use It To Elevate Your Corporate Videos

Your business is struggling to produce high-performing content. 

Your social media posts aren’t getting as much engagement, you’re struggling to bring in new customers, and you feel like you’re not evolving with the marketing world.

Although aerial cinematography is not new, it has come a long way since the mid-19th century. And using it for your business could help elevate your corporate content to bring you to new levels of success.

Learn the cool details about aerial cinematography, how it can help your corporate business and the right professionals for the job.

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What Is Aerial Cinematography?

Aerial cinematography is exactly what it sounds like — using a flying object to capture video from the air. 

And it has a history

In the past, cameras had been launched into the sky with balloons, kites, or rockets. In 1858, the first successful aerial photograph was taken from a hot air balloon tethered just outside of Paris. This photo has since been lost, but an 1860 aerial photograph taken from a hot air balloon tethered above Boston is the oldest surviving aerial photograph.

But today, aerial cinematography is most often shot with a drone.

It is considered one of the best ways to add excitement and flare to corporate video production. When done correctly by professionals, like the team of videographers at Houston Drone Video, spicing up a video with aerial cinematography can be highly beneficial for your business.

What Is Aerial Cinematography Typically Used For?

You probably have noticed aerial cinematography uses most often in movies, television shows, or in commercials to help:

  • Establish a shot
  • Follow a chase scene or a shot with lots of movement
  • Capture a landscape shot; or
  • Mimic God’s eye view

For example, the opening scene of Sam Mendes’ 2015 movie Skyfall uses aerial cinematography with a drone to strategically and skillfully capture a motorbike chase throughout Istanbul. The use of the drone allows the audience to feel like they are a part of the film as the drone takes tight turns, makes dangerous jumps, moves quickly, and becomes shaky throughout the chase.

You have probably also witnessed aerial cinematography being used in other forms of video, like:

  • News coverage
  • Wedding videos
  • Real estate marketing
  • Music videos; or
  • Documentaries

And now, many businesses are using aerial cinematography to add value to their companies. 

How Are Aerial Shots Taken?

Because aerial shots are taken to get views from above, they are most often taken with flying objects. This could be an airplane or helicopter, but most often, aerial shots are taken with drones.

Aerial Cinematography With Drones

The use of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is becoming increasingly popular for aerial cinematography for many reasons:

  1. They are easy to operate.
  2. They’re low-cost compared to traditional camera equipment.
  3. They’re versatile, which allows photographers to capture images they could not with other camera equipment.
  4. They offer a unique perspective.

At Houston Drone Video, we utilize drones to shoot aerial cinematography and photography to help capture exactly what it is our clients are after. Contact us today to connect.

5 Ways To Use Aerial Cinematography To Elevate Corporate Videos

When it comes to your business, what is aerial cinematography used for?

Learn how investing in aerial cinematography with the right professionals can help to elevate your corporate videos.

#1: Help Establish and Promote a Brand

Once upon a time, using videos to market or promote a brand was a strategy not being used by many. But now, as technology continues to advance, video marketing has become a powerful and effective way to communicate your brand and story to your audience.

Consider these statistics from brand marketers on video marketing:

  • 36% say videos are the primary content strategy used to promote and increase brand awareness.
  • 42% say creating video content with a third party has resulted in better videos.
  • 68% say using a third-party professional to create video content results in a higher-quality, more professional video.
  • 31% of brands publish 2 to 4 videos each month.

#2: Provide an Overview of a Business

Businesses often choose to utilize aerial cinematography to get exterior shots of their offices or production sites. 

Aerial cinematography allows you to capture:

  • The grand and impressive capabilities of your business,
  • The depth of your resources, 
  • The history of your grounds; and
  • A complete overview of who you are

#3: Offer Job Training Footage

You can use aerial cinematography to easily create job training footage. The drone allows the camera to easily follow employees in offices or at job sites to gather multiple views of how a job is done. 

With aerial footage, these videos create the same effect as if the new employee was shadowing your current staff in person. And even better, it can be watched back over and over again.

#4: Show Your Products To Potential Clients

Aerial cinematography can be highly effective for businesses that want to show their products off to potential clients. 

Think about car brands and how they market their vehicles to potential buyers. 

Jeep often shows videos of their cars climbing mountainous terrain, BMWs are shown racing down highways, or Teslas are cruising to show off their electric-powered performance.

All of these can be shot with drone footage to fully capture the capabilities and performance of the product.

#5: Create Marketing Opportunities

We know that video coverage is key for marketing in today’s world. But what could you shoot using aerial cinematography to create good marketing content?

Consider using aerial cinematography to capture live footage at…

  • Fundraisers,
  • Charity events, 
  • Corporate dinners; or
  • Other similar functions

… to use in marketing videos. Even if this footage doesn’t serve a purpose right now, consider capturing it because it could be used for marketing content at another time.

Houston Drone Video: Elevate Your Corporate Videos Using Aerial Cinematography To Create High-Performing Content

Are you looking to elevate your corporate business video strategies? Aerial cinematography is an effective way to create high-performing video content that your company can use for many different reasons.

At Houston Drone Video, Anthony works hard to…

  • Plan
  • Prep
  • Create; and
  • Deliver

… top-quality video content that will help your business grow. 

Our drone pilots are FAA certified, insured, and trained to capture award-winning videos. If high-performing video content is important to your business, contact Houston Drone Video today to get started.



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4201 Main St., Suite 200 - 101, Houston, TX 77002