Why Use Drone Videography for Real Estate? Benefits and ROI of Utilizing Drone Technology

houston drone video real estate

Why Use Drone Videography for Real Estate? Benefits and ROI of Utilizing Drone Technology

If you’re thinking about breaking into the world of real estate videography, you may wonder if it’s worth investing in drone technology. 

After all, drones can be pricey, and there’s a learning curve to flying them. 

But the truth is, using a drone to capture footage of properties can provide a major return on investment — both in terms of the quality of your videos and the number of clients you’re able to attract. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some benefits of using drone photography and videography for real estate, and outline the ROI you can expect to see from investing in this technology.

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Why Use Drones for Real Estate?

Using drones for real estate has become increasingly popular in recent years, for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Accurately depicting the property. With drone photography, you can capture footage that is precise and detailed, showing the view from the structure, highlighting specific features of the property such as gardens or pools, and also capturing footage from aerial perspectives that can’t be captured with other types of photography.
  • Showing the view from the structure. Another significant benefit to using drone photography is that it can show you what the structure looks like from various angles — whether it’s a rooftop view or a bird’s-eye view. This can be extremely helpful in garnering interest from potential buyers who are interested in buying a property but may not visit it in person.
  • Spotlighting the neighborhood. By utilizing drone photography, you can also show potential buyers what the surrounding area looks like. This can help gauge if they would enjoy living in the neighborhood, and also whether they could see any potential obstructions in their view should they decide to purchase a property there.
  • Helping you generate leads. By including drone footage in your real estate marketing materials, you can give potential buyers a better idea of what your properties look like and make them more likely to contact you. When used correctly, drones can be an invaluable tool for real estate professionals.

Drones offer the potential for reduced costs and increased accuracy in closing deals — something that is sure to appeal to ambitious real estate agents and homeowners alike.

Are you ready to take the leap with drone videography in your real estate business? 

Contact us at Houston Drone Video and let’s begin the conversation with a free consultation.

6 Benefits of Using Drone Videography for Real Estate

In an industry where houses are a dime a dozen, real estate businesses need to find new and innovative ways to make their listings stand out.

Traditional methods like ground-level photography and street-view videography are no longer enough — today’s potential homebuyers want to see the property from every angle, including the sky.

This is where drone videography comes in.

Not only does it give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property, but it also offers a unique perspective that can’t be replicated with traditional photography or videography methods.

The following are six reasons drone videography is such a valuable tool for real estate professionals.

#1: Accurately Depicts the Property

One of the primary advantages of using drone videography is that it provides an accurate depiction of the property.

With traditional photography, it’s difficult to get a clear view of the entire property, especially if there are trees or other obstacles in the way.

Drone videography gives you a complete bird’s eye view of the property, making it easy for potential buyers to see everything that is included in the listing.

#2: Shows the View From the Structure

Drones can showcase each side of the property, as well as the view from the structure that is often unattainable at ground level.

This can help buyers and sellers assess properties more accurately and make better decisions about purchases and sales.

Additionally, drones can be used for aerial photography and videography, which can enhance marketing materials or provide a unique perspective on a property that cannot be captured any other way.

#3: Spotlights the Neighborhood

Drones are an important tool in the real estate industry because they allow you to see a property’s layout in great detail. 

Aerial views are by far the best way to capture all of a property’s features, making it easier for buyers and sellers to make informed decisions.

Drones are a great tool for real estate professionals because they allow you to see:

  • The layout of a property
  • Surrounding areas; and
  • Neighborhood amenities

Aerial photography is the best way to capture an accurate picture of everything on the ground, so using drones is helpful in real estate.

#4: Entices New Business

Using drone videography for real estate is a great way to entice new business.

The benefits and ROI of utilizing drone technology make it an attractive option for real estate professionals.

Drone videography provides a unique perspective that is not possible with traditional videography methods. 

This can be a significant advantage when trying to sell a property, as potential buyers will see the property from a different perspective.

Drone videography can also create virtual tours of properties, which can be a great marketing tool for drawing prospective clients.

#5: Allows More Comprehensive Listings

One drawback of traditional photography is that it can only capture so much detail about a property. This often leads to listings that are missing important information or details about certain features of the property. 

With drone videography, you’re able to include much more comprehensive footage in your listings. This will give potential buyers a better idea of what they’re looking at and whether it’s right for them.

Not only does this save time by allowing you to include more information in your listings, but it also gives you peace of mind knowing that you’re providing the best possible representation of the property.

#6: Beats the Competition

In today’s competitive real estate market, it’s important to make your listings stand out from those of your competitors. 

Using drone photography and videography is one way to do this by:

  • Being much more comprehensive than any other form of photography. Drones can capture details that would otherwise be missed. This is important in properties that are difficult to access or those that are in dangerous or inaccessible areas.
  • Becoming increasingly popular to capture aerial footage of properties. This allows potential buyers to see exactly what they’re buying, no matter where it may be located.
  • Providing a better visual representation of the property. This type of footage makes it easier for buyers to make an informed decision about whether they want to purchase it.

So if you’re looking for ways to improve your listings and increase sales, consider using drone technology. 

It’s a powerful tool that can help you outpace your competition in the real estate market.

What’s the ROI of Drone Videography for Real Estate?

Drone videography is a substantial investment for any real estate business, but what is the ROI of drone videography for real estate?

Many stats and studies that show the benefits and ROI of utilizing drone technology in real estate marketing. Here are just a few:

  • Multiple Listing Service (MLS) statistics found that, on average, homes listed with a drone video and/or aerial photography sold 68% faster than those without one.
  • The same study also found that homes listed with a drone video sold at a 7% higher price point than those without one.
  • A 2018 Sold By Air study found that 83% of homebuyers prefer to work with a realtor that has aerial photography or video footage.
  • A recent study from the National Association of Realtors® found that 56% of realtors use drones to market listings.
  • A little over one-third of agents who use drones hire a professional to operate them.

The list goes on. 

But the point is obvious: Drone videography is a brilliant investment for any real estate business, and the ROI is there to back it up.

Let the Professionals at Houston Drone Video Help Your Real Estate Company Achieve New Heights With Drone Videography

With drone technology, you can capture stunning footage of your property from unique perspectives that cannot be achieved with traditional photography or video. Drone footage can provide a more complete picture of your property and help you sell it faster.

But most people don’t realize that you can’t just buy a drone and start flying. 

The FAA has strict rules and regulations that must be followed, and pilots must have certificates. There are also rules regarding prohibited airspace usage and night operations.

The professionals at Houston Drone Video have the experience and knowledge to get the job done right, and we will make sure that all FAA regulations are followed. 

Contact Houston Drone Video today to learn more about how we can help your business reach new heights with drone videography.



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